30 september 2021



In the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service the preliminary investigation on the criminal case initiated on the fact of abuse of official powers and commission of forgery by high-ranking officials of the RA MoD and Armed Forces in the process of supplying ammunition for the needs of the RA Armed Forces, within which, on suspicion of committing embezzlement on an especially large scale, D.T., who held the position of the Minister of Defense of the RA in 2018-2020, as well as the director of the supplier company D.G. were detained.

On the same day, the latter were involved as accused for embezzlement of an especially large amount of money -2,277,323,840 AMD, and commission of forgery, socially dangerous acts, and motions have been filed to the Court to choose arrest as a restrictive measure.

In addition, within the framework of the criminal case for abuse of power and committing official forgery, which entailed grave material consequences, criminal prosecutions were initiated also against former and current other high-ranking officials of the RA Armed Forces.

The RA National Security Service informs that large-scale operative-search measures and investigative actions continue to be taken in the criminal case in the direction of detecting the full picture of the criminal scheme of embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale, individualizing the actions of other officials involved in the case and initiating criminal prosecution against them.

Considering the priority of informing the public to a permissible extent on the criminal case, the RA National Security Service informs that information on the progress of the preliminary investigation on the given criminal case having a public outcry and its results will be periodically provided in the form of notifications.

At the same time, we inform that the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia will carry out an uncompromising and consistent fight in the direction of detecting cases of acquisition for the RA Armed Forces poor-quality weapons and ammunition that did not meet the technical characteristics and illegality in the procurement process, which led to the weakening of the foundations of statehood, initiating criminal prosecution against all those guilty individuals and restoring the damage caused.                                                                              

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.